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High dopamine social media reddit So, I've decided to do a cold turkey dopamine detox. But now I’m realizing that I’m using it exactly how I did before— to escape. But simply latching onto the dopamine aspect of it is a bit odd. Huberman said the following rules to keep dopamine on optimal level: - don't stack high dopamine releasing activites aka fun stuffs. I think one of the issues with social media is social comparison and judgement. I took a step back and realized that I have a severe social media addiction. The quick hits, not the dopamine boost that comes from exercise that actually require work on my part. People asked me where I was - I literally disconnected from everyone for that one year and grinded code every day. Tried to quit a dozen times, couldn't stick to it. Social media, and the internet in general, is really bad for my ADHD. I think the issue with social media and video games is that it’s an endless stream of novel stuff, so your brain just wants more and over several hours you are depleting dopamine that could be I am currently writing about dopamine and how this hormone is the main seasoning that helps us motivated and want to accomplish goals. Now on to the reason of the title: I have been smoking for 2 years. I also uninstalled the social media apps and messengers and only use them on a browser window, so there are no notifications and I can check them when I want to. This includes YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, Discord, etc. More specifically dopaminergic activities. Then, I bought an electronic cigarette. Yes. I’ve worked in media and technology for most of my career but currently have a non-online job. It begins with an action, such as posting a photo or status update, which creates anticipation for a response. I deleted TikTok and instagram again but kept Snapchat to talk to family. I get so excited when I get a Reddit reply to my posts. Imo, main problem isn't dopamine itself, but sources you get that dopamine from. Spikes in dopamine are always followed by drops in dopamine. Let’s say you open Instagram, see a post stimulating your brain, and get a dopamine hit. The proposed solution is to take some time away from high dopamine activities in order to better balance your dopamine levels, which makes boring tasks more entertaining to complete. This overwhelming increase in just “feeling good” only happened recently —like the past few days— after I let go of my feelings of anxiety and fear. My adhd then gets me stuck there because social media isn’t actually a solid source of dopamine, it’s just enough to keep you scrolling. Only flip-phones or "dumb" phones were allowed. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter with a long list of things it regulates in the brain and throughout the body. Let me repeat: high dopamine spikes reduce your baseline dopamine. ive made the decision to quit instagram and other reel-type social media for the next 30 days. e. You could even look at how the technology itself affects these things. It is especially proven in case of prn that it can completely alter your brain in a negative way. The theory is that too much dopamine from t. Then afterwards it crashes below baseline in an amount dependent upon the magnitude of the increase. However, now a days we realize enormous unnatural amounts of dopamine doing activities like online entertainment, social media, video games, drugs etc, that leaves little room to use the dopamine to work on goals. They're not sent out into the general space of the brain. - almost always try to do at least as much unwanted thing as fun thing. This can help reduce the habit of random checks. Tech offers high dopaminergic activities in the palm of your hand, so the key is actually to deal with negative emotions and work on fixing problems rather than running away. Serotonin, dopamine, GABA, and a lot of the buzzword chemicals are neurotransmitters - that's what you want to be reading up on. Rather than try to increase your dopamine, you should have periods of abstinence in which you allow your reward system to return to baseline. The problem is that social media can be an addictive problem for people which can lead to dopamine sensitivity which lowers the baseline production of dopamine like in most other addictions. I cannot stop pausing what I’m doing to go on the internet or scroll mindlessly on my phone. I just interviewed Andrew Huberman on why you shouldn't rely on stimulants (like nicotine) when lacking motivation, the dangers of spiking dopamine without effort, his workout & supplement routines, using NSDR to boost dopamine, and how he handles social media backlash. After that, you get a low and experience cravings. Try to limit the amount of “cheap” dopamine you get in the first half of the day. The brain resists anything that requires effort and suddenly were trapped in this loop of searching for our next high on the internet while wasting Force yourself to do 30 minutes of whatever you consider to be your hardest task for the day. I would 100% add social media (Reddit) and most junk food to the list of prohibited activities. Don't use reddit. It is kinda like a crutch. Social media gives our OCD things to work with, to obsess over. Like don't listen to music while playing videogames. Halfway through September I came back to Snapchat, instagram, and TikTok because I went to college. Understanding Dopamine: Dopamine is a chemical in your brain that plays a big role in feelings of pleasure and happiness. Your brain uses dopamine to determine what to do. What I hate is that I can make so much progress and be a completely different person for those 3-4 days but then relapse back to my old ways like nothing happened. Hopefully more states follow Utahs lead with the Utah Social Media Regulation Act starting March 1st. I think it's fashionable to limit or completely eliminate social media in your life and focus more on your day to day interactions and relationships with people. And they stack together because they all influence the same pathway. I set aside time at work to work on problems which may yield "interesting" results. I’ve always wondered how dopamine tolerance doesn’t develop in adulthood by sheer exposure of dopamine over time, regardless of instant gratification or the overstimulus of our time. I abhor social media and the insecure people that use it for their own validation. Like study for 1 hour then you can play 1 hour. This combined with the lack of stopping cues in social media presents as someone who can’t “focus” or “break away” to do important tasks. Sold my little condo, got a puppy, relocated to spend some time with elderly parents, planted a garden, spent little to no time on social media these days. But whether that's "excess dopamine" or dopamine dysregulation is hard to say). Even self improvement videos on youtube. In case you don’t know what dopamine detoxes are, they’re just two weeks where you don’t allow yourself any easy dopamine sources like Netflix/tv, YouTube, video games, junk food, social media, drugs (aside from prescribed). Cortisol comes largely from the comparison and argumentative aspects. I struggled with gaming & social media addiction as well. Just look at how social media is designed. The problem with dopamine is that it gets us hooked on things that give us short-term gratification but not much else: cookies, alcohol and social media are all high in dopamine. I have been trying to stay away from the above-mentioned things and focus on my work, but there are times when my brain is just exhausted from work and I need a break and eventually end up installing Instagram or watching porno. Sometimes we scroll social media because we feel anxious. I knew I had to retrain my brain to find satisfaction outside of endless scrolling. My major addiction is social media (specifically reddit , youtube, and instagram) If I were to cut those 3 out my brain would look for other high dopamine shit, first netflix, then video games, porn, you name it. Especially in high school, there's some pressure in keeping up with what's going on. See the Required Reading for more. Members Online Question about the detox. Hey guys, I am planning on detoxing my dopamine tomorrow. The repeated experience of this dopamine rush can lead to habit-forming behaviors. of dopamine transporters and receptors. Once I told myself, “You can do whatever you want, as long as it’s one of (list of things beneficial to your life like reading, exercising, friend/family time)”, I overcame my impulsivity towards high dopamine producing-unhealthy activities. You scroll down. Social Media and Dopamine: When you use social media your brain releases dopamine. Hold button for 10 sec = level up = dopamine hit. If you constantly have a source of short term high dopamine kicks which require low effort like social media, certain types of games, and smoking a joint. So apparently Social Anxiety is thought to be best treated by raising Dopamine, as well as GABA, the former being the reason MAOIs like Nardil are so considered good for the condition, and the latter why Benzos and Alcohol work well. per my phone statistics, i spend approx 16 hours on these social media apps 馃檪 it's gotten to the point where i could be listening to a youtube video on my laptop while simultaneously scrolling through my tiktok feed. Eating high sugars give energy quickly so it's easy to have sugar addiction. Once high school is over, this will slow down a lot. It feeds on it. Everything else in their life has gone gray. this, I still need my memes. People are absolutely addicted to using their phones all day, every day, doing nothing but mindless browsing of social media, reddit, youtube, and other easy-access dopamine fixes. No social media, no TV, no video games, no junk food, no music etc. It’s balanced, and way less draconian than many southern red states approaches to things. Shit's toxic, so happy I got Facebook out of my life years ago. Those addictive activities have behind them powerful neural pathways that couple the activity with the chemical reward and thus create compulsion. this detox is my first step toward a life where I prioritize real, meaningful experiences over digital noise. And delete social media (including reddit. It’s not really a “dopamine” detox but there is some good scientific evidence that playing video games and watching YouTube compulsively isn’t conducive to good attention hygiene. This mat be hard getting used to. I was afraid to show myself on social media- eventually I grinded out within 8 months - now I’m making sub 6 figures as a software engineer without a cs degree 馃槒. Too much dopamine for a extended period of time is bad especially if it's instant gratification. I draw, too, and I deleted my social media, too. A neurotransmitter is a chemical that neurons use to communicate directly with another neuron it's connected to. 5M subscribers in the NoStupidQuestions community. I don't think chess is overstimulating but I am still not sure if it is considered a relapse because playing chess has more pros than cons. This ties together both points, on social media it’s anticipating something (highlight, funny, interesting, etc) which is reinforced through dopamine. You don't need information, you need implementation. ** - strated removing social media apps from my phone a few weeks ago - started detoxing 3 days ago My advice to you is, just do it. Start by simply being aware of how much time you're spending on social media. Social media takes reading to the next level by also having you rehydrate social experiences without another actual human being present. I got called a xenophobe on Twitter for pointing this out. People have been spoon fed so much BS by the woke global media they cannot even admit they are slaves to the globalists. com The downside to dopamine, though, is clear: it can also generate undesirable addictions and cravings. The #1 social media platform for MCAT advice. I thought if I would commit to no social media for the day, I might as well commit to the whole nine yards. You are rewarding yourself when you deserve to get rewarded (socializing, working on your passions, being prodoctive (even after cleaning your room or making the bed can release dopamine if you make it a task you need to complete) Eyal is trying to make the argument that social media isn't addictive and then goes on to list ways for people to manage social media that sound suspiciously like addiction recovery programs. These social media apps can suck your energy up- focus on your So basically everything in life just seems like a dopamine hit and it gives me a headache and annoys me. /r/MCAT is a place for MCAT practice, questions, discussion, advice, social networking, news, study tips and more. The second piece is yeah, social media is HIGHLY CULTIVATED. The problem is that we get these Dopamine "rewards" for finding something new or funny on social media with almost little to no effort and suddenly tasks with actual effort don't seem as appealing. The whole world did that before social media and we all survived. Satisfaction. High dopamine is the opposite. Not counting anti-social media i. The more time you spend worrying and researching is time you could be spending actually doing something! Dec 13, 2024 路 use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. Some examples of high dopamine behaviors include: scrolling through social media websites, playing video games, watching internet pornography, etc. There’s also questions of type of content, hours spent on social media, types of social media used, creator vs consumer, does social media not affect people with already good mental health or perhaps social media just affects those with disorders more, etc. Recent studies have found that dopamine isn't fully responsible for the pleasure you feel when you do pleasurable things. The social media dopamine cycle becomes muscle memory (sometimes I've been doing it for 10 minutes or more before I realise what I'm doing and haven't taken a thing in!). The problem is that social media platforms are designing apps to stimulate the viewer, and the only way that continent gets views, algorithmically speaking is if they make a very stimulating piece of content, but not all content is stimulating, that something can be good, and not stimulating in terms of attention, span or high dopamine fixation "Detox" is probably a misnomer, as you can't technically detox from dopamine the way you would cigarettes or coffee, as it's actually an important chemical in the body, but basically, the idea is to give up activities which trigger a high dopamine response (this would include much of the Internet, especially social media, gaming, and euphoric Top reasons for my ADHD brain being stuck on social media: Dopamine-seeking (solution: shop from my “healthy dopamine list” for something that catches my attention and hyperfocus on that instead of my phone) Burrowing to avoid difficult emotions (solution: find a safe place/person to express and process the emotions) Seems like social media is consuming me. Younger people are not leaving social media and with the increase use of TikTok (what a disease) and its derivatives (YT Shorts, Reels), more people are going to be experiencing such symptoms. Social media is to friendship as porn is to sex. But you lower your dopamine release and you get used to that. The ideas that come from audio books combined with the acts of walking are probably a 1+1=3 , at least it is for me. This is my understanding, correct me if I'm wrong. However, the number keeps rising each year, and today this thought hit me. Eating sugary sweet foods will cause a high spike in dopamine. Help! Dopamine detox doesn't detox dopamine. It's probably not-enough of something else, like sleep. So while I don't think that "Dopamine Detox" is a valid scientific term, it still frames (in the reader's mind) critical goals for addiction therapy- which is recovering dopamine sensitivity to behaviors that are outside of the addict's addiction of choice (in this case, social media). I went to bed last night and decided I wouldn't look at my phone first thing in the morning. You get notifications for things you’re not even mentioned in, which can lead to major FOMO, which leads to major depression. Stanford doctor explains how social media is hijacking our minds: "My patients derive little pleasure from these activities yet are unable to stop. find a tool that adds friction to opening your apps (I use superhappy ai, it makes me chat with an ai before I can open Porn is ruining men and social media is ruining women. I however don’t want to give up social media apps because, while addicting, they are incredibly useful (Reddit groups, Facebook groups, etc) and I do get educational or supportive well partly the feeling of being useless but mostly bc, idk if any of yall experienced this and idk how to explain it exactly, whenever i constantly keep on doing high dopamine shit nd not feeling responsible not even think positively about my life, after like a week or two i get this extreme fatigue and tiredness in my brain idk what u call it brain fog or whatev. Dopamine creates seeking behaviour and with Reddit and Facebook and other social media some novel experience is always one little scroll away. I don’t really scroll on social media, eat junk food, etc. As the title suggests, basically as long as social media has existed I start my day spending at least an hour scrolling the internet getting high off of new content. There's a bunch of stuff that comes up from "dopamine scrolling" but I would take all of it with a grain of salt and consider who's writing it and whether they're trying to sell you something. Awareness is the first step towards change. ) You don't want to hear this. The Reddit interface makes things far more mentally healthy for someone like me. It was really hard to quit, but its made a world of difference. Social media makes your brain go through all the surges of motivation to get you to be with people. I can’t simply go cold Turkey on social media; it’s never completely worked in the past and i always end up reinstalling. I can’t allow myself to be bored anymore the moment the thoughts start forming I immediately reach for my phone. 2 clicks = funny picture = dopamine hit. However, the destructiveness of entertainment based social media should not be discounted, because it’s probably even more destructive on life outcomes than regular social media. 4. ONLY when I deleted social media did I realize most of the subjects I was drawing was purely for validation because I knew what my followers wanted and liked. Lol. Trust me u r underestimating social media /YT/reddit addictions. Does anyone have suggestions for alternatives? There's nothing wrong about having social media as long as it is used sparingly imo. We're the first generation of humans to have to figure out this truth by sad experience. Same goes for porn. This would be things like social media - tv - procrastination- your typical bad habits You can’t replace internet porn with low stimulus activities but you can replace addictive habits like scrolling reddit/social media/tv with some of these. I have a tiktok, reddit, twitter, and instagram account. I realised, I can't just quit the things that are harming me, I have to quit it ALL so I can rewire my brain. The best way to do this is to discipline yourself. Love the tattoo and the discussions such a design can stimulate. As part of my dopamine detox, I will eliminate the following 7 things: 1) Social media. I was inspired in part by YouTuber Niklas Christl and his video on this topic. He spent time in the Airforce here in Greece and in the bootcamp, which lasts around 4 weeks, nobody was allowed to have a smartphone. Jan 14, 2025 路 So I decided to do something drastic: a dopamine reset. High dopamine => brain feels a large pressure to do that activity Dopamine is not good or bad, it’s needed and important. at all; my only form of current social media is Reddit. Respectfully, I think this emphasis on dopamine and self-improvement videos sounds like it's turning into procrastination. Dopamine drives forward the evolution of our species. It straight up is. i will not Social media is high reward and 0 effort, which kinda breaks the circuitry. You release dopamine from all those activities but isn't the problem with people usually that they choose to do all the effortless things like scrolling social media, which also have no long-term benefits, instead of doing something where you get dopamine after putting some work in it, like running. Another thing is TikTok gives us short term dopamine without having to work for it. i mean it can be used for good or bad right? I read somewhere we should max at 30min a day of social media usage. Hell yeah there is something to this. The MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) is offered by the AAMC and is a required exam for admission to medical schools in the USA and Canada. A neuron reaches its ' Thing like Reddit and Facebook. I guess another interpretation could be the impact of social media (designed to induce a dopamine response) but long-term leading to low mood and feelings of low self-worth (low serotonin). When you engage in a high dopamine stimulating behavior, this level increases. Video games and social media gets us used to the high reward low effort dopamine cycle. Beyond that, it’s easy to single out impacts of things like smoking, alcohol, nicotine, sex, etc yet screen time is tough. I’m super addicted to social media, nothing feels as rewarding and dopamine-inducing as scrolling through social media. (mind you it would be like 4 days backpacking, 1 day back with social media, then repeat), so maybe just need uninterrupted time. Cut back on things that would give you dopamine (social media, drugs, sex, hanging out with friends, etc. Ive attempted to detox from social media before and it’s not something I’ve been able to consistently finish. One of my best friends did a dopamine-social media detox, unwillingly but with great success. Second (and perhaps more importantly) is to re-sensitize your dopamine system. This is a support group to help with impulsive behaviour towards Eating, Gaming, Gambling, Thrill, and Tech. I recently stopped using instagram and all the social medias with photographs and visually intense content. Though as you can see I'm not great at that. ) Overtime your body becomes used to not releasing dopamine which causes a buildup. I’ll probably get social media like Facebook to only stay in touch with old family and not have the app on my phone. It detoxes adrenaline and cortisol. You want dopamine, and you want it in abundance. After some time things should reset, and normal everyday activities will provide dopamine again. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Also, try setting specific times for checking your feeds. but also don't completely lock away your apps. If you can regularly get into flow, dopamine will be your ally not your enemy as it is for most people. Reddit is a good example. However, avoiding the compulsive, dopamine-flood-triggering activities listed here like social media and junk food does I think have a relation to dopamine that is more than just about mindfulness. Social media gives you dopamine hits. It’s a part of your brain’s reward system, meaning it helps you feel good when you do something enjoyable. Well, I want to add on that, unlike most social media platforms, Reddit seems to cater to (support) individuality, vs Instagram, which demonizes a post that isn’t “agorythimically” profitable. This controlled exposure can help you stay connected without it overwhelming your life. Here’s what helped: A 30-Day Detox: I started by cutting my screen time in half over the first two weeks. Just think it's funny how it makes me feel. They're in a dopamine deficit state, and they’ve lost the ability to choose not to use. I realized I was drawing mostly for validation and the attention of strangers online. But it's the truth. 1. Essentially, I was downregulating my baseline dopamine levels into oblivion on a daily basis. Dec 1, 2024 路 Are you struggling with doom scrolling or find yourself caught up in endless high-dopamine activities? Are you constantly distracted and can't get anything done in the day? Do you have a pile of things to do that you dread and still haven't started yet? Jan 9, 2025 路 Dopamine actually numbs emotions, so your brain naturally finds high dopamine activities to escape from negative emotions. Thanks. ive had enough and am ready to reclaim control of my time and stop squandering over three hours each day on distractions. **Substitute with Positive Digital Content**: Replace some social media time with educational content (but be careful that it's not just edutainment) I believe (I choose that word specifically) that audiobooks - especially combined with walking outside- are so very much more valuable that social media scrolling. Distraction-Dopamine-Disruption: Our inclination to being distracted also comes down to neurobiology. The average person has an extremely high tolerance for dopamine, meaning that they have to keep upping the stakes to get the feeling of satisfaction for a Dopamine hit. So after a while when you do decide to cheat on discipline, you'll have a big dopamine rush. Now, there might be exceptions with certain diseases, but generally the brain seems to tolerate dopamine pretty well. Sustaining high performance over time is going to depend on having some way to unwind and enjoy yourself. Experiencing frequent, very high dopamine spikes produces not only temporary low points, it reduces the baseline level of dopamine. I guess if “dopamine fasting” (which has a lot in common with ”social media fasting”) is helpful to people then they may as well enjoy it? This definitely isn’ “tech bad” though. Besides Reddit, I'm not a social media person and I don't play video games or anything to get my dopamine hits;) you know. As a last straw I did a dopamine fast (just to get that initial momentum and utilise that surge of motivation) I've sicne limited and used the formula 1 hour of low dopamine (fulfilling) work= 20 min of high dopamine activity and it's worked so well for me I'm on my way to 75hard and hope I can complete the whole thing this time. This one runs into trouble for the observer side. There are many solutions here, like taking a walk outside, drinking water, cleaning up, or doing a I doubt social media really spikes your dopamine that high - I’m guessing it just consumes it at a moderate rate but over a longer period of time. on the flip side, make it hard as hell to open social media. Don’t use Tiktok, Facebook, Twitter, Snap, etc. Let me elaborate. Only problem is, every website you use sends cookies and your activity to Facebook. I convinced myself I liked it, too. itscompletly destroying me i You cannot indefinitely hold your dopamine levels at a “high”, and it will take a recovery period before returning to baseline. If you're an adrenaline junkie like I was, then there is a right way and a very wrong way to do this. Suggest me some alternative source of dopamine other than social media and pornography. 43M subscribers in the AskReddit community. You have developed dopamine resistance. i'm resetting my habits and reducing dopamine overload. Alright, imagine your brain’s capacity to secrete dopamine is a juicy lemon, and dopamine is the juice. I was successful. our brains with unnaturally high amounts of dopamine on a daily basis, even if we don't know it. It's like giving yourself a 'social media appointment' instead of constantly scrolling. Rhonda Patrick here. I’ve pretty much completely quit most social media-I allow myself 5 minutes of Instagram a day on my laptop, and moderate it using the “Stayfocusd” extension and adhere to it very strictly. but with zero of the actual benefit. People get fun little dopamine hits every time someone likes it, or they get little social notifications, it feels good. I've done extensive travel backpacking with very limited social media and it wasn't enough. When someone reads "Dopamine Detox", they will conclude So what I tend to do during a dopamine detox is to take 5-7 days where I abstain from things that give me a pleasure or dopamine high everyday such as: social media (instagram, snapchat, youtube etc), tv shows & movies. The exact length of time is debated, but its notable that staying off of other high dopamine things like social media (Reddit) helps a lot as well. I love solving "problems/puzzles"; it's a key part of my ADHD, gives me a huge dopamine rush. It’s more “companies exploit tech to make bad things”. . This dopamine deficit state creates discomfort and provokes you to seek further stimulation. My days started with popping an Aderall in the morning, and ended with several hours of gaming, social media, or my all time fav binge watching youtube in bed while eating Taco Bell. bottom line is: it's officially out of Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. The same things we’re saying about social media are similar things said in the past about radio, TV, the computer, etc. I used to go to FB groups for advice. So, you need set a day aside**, without your internet, phone, computer, music and junk food. If done correctly, "dopamine detox" actually increases real dopamine and can rewire your brain to use that as the primary motivator. These quick dopamine injectors (social media, junk food, etc) make it easy to flood your system with dopamine throughout the day, leading to burnout feelings later. Stims helps by increasing the baseline dopamine so you can focus on more productive and healthier tasks and finish complementing your brain with the dopamine it needs. For example, when you do dishes you get dopamine from finishing and long term seeing that the chore is done, making your house nice. Once in a random amount of scrolls, you'll find something extra interesting, which is what causes this addiction to be maintained. I'd recommend checking out Burt's "structural holes", studying how information is communicated within networks, and then thinking about how the nature of social media mediates or moderates those exchanges -> the impact on social structure, power, authority, and so on. The anonymity of Reddit stops it from being social, which allows us to make it more informational. Reply reply More replies Hmm not sure this would be enough for me. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, which helps with motivation, but is also used to measure the addictive potential of any behaviors or drugs. Social media gives you that same dopamine of finishing dishes but once you turn it off, you’re left with an empty feeling. I am pretty sure that social media, including Reddit, exacerbates my ADHD and has reduced me to a barely functional adult 53yo person. there are just so many different things that could affect social media x mental health At the beginning of 2023 I got off of social media for 9 months. " Social media is to sociality as McDonalds is to food. The reason most people are drawn towards unhealthy dopamine hits is because their baseline is so high, so their receptors become YESS! Honestly I am off social media completely besides for posting and replying to comments about things I want to research and so on, so I feel like social media is a TOOL for me now. Breaking those muscle memory habits can help (at least at the start) to stop you in your tracks. They run ads and in some cases follow pages for you. don't just download an eBook and hope and pray that you'll make the right decision. Sometimes we scroll through social media because we want to feel close to friends. No social media. Children raised with ipads and smartphones who browse tailored content that has been designed to get them addicted to viewing it will suffer the most from this. Started a new social media account with only the friends and pages I actually want to keep up with. It wasn’t perfect, but it worked better than anything else I’ve tried. Avoid things that hyper-stimulate your dopamine system like porn, fast food, drugs, video games, scrolling through social media, etc. high doses of meth, mdma, or amphetamine though are neurotoxic so To me, Reddit is a forum, not a social media. We anticipate some sort of reward with each one of those behaviors. How to use this info to your advantage. Seems like if it was possible to have dopamine tolerance, everyone over 40ish would be depressed. Reading is not as rewarding anymore so it makes it hard to focus. I am not glued to email or my phone for any reason but addiction. Highly dopaminergic activities (think sugar, drugs, scrolling social media) are like giving that lemon a death grip. (I'm not aware of any mental disorders caused by "excess dopamine"I mean maybe tics or ADHD. Reddit, TikTok and perhaps even YouTube (depending on your definition) are like casinos in which you gamble with your time, drive and productivity in exchange for Aug 22, 2024 路 The Social Media Dopamine Loop: How It Works. you'll just get pissed off. I’m only allowed to use social media for business and content creation purposes; I cannot use it for entertainment. You want to build, create, and learn. It applies to any dopamine-spiking activity. Even social media. The myth of 'Dopamine detoxes' and dopamine is 'bad' are social media trends not based on science. **Scheduled Social Media Time**: Instead of quitting cold turkey, allocate specific times for social media. But it does not take ultramarathons to create reductions in dopamine. Getting on anxiety medication last year and has minimized the amount of time I need, but it's basically impossible for me to start my day without it. A solution to this would be to call or text a friend to hang out, or to call a family member to catch up. v. Welcome to Dopamine Detoxing. A benefit of the carnivore diet is that it eliminates high dopamine foods, and lowers your tolerance. We need to stop the fast reward loop, then engage in a healthy fast reward loop then gradually move up to medium and progressively longer reward loops, which is what Create unnaturally high dopamine spikes, which then depress baseline dopamine levels which gets the addict to seek more of the drug to feel ‘normal’. I found 0 fullfillment from mindless scrolling. When I quit social media I turned to Reddit. No reasonable goal is going to easier to pursue by cutting yourself off from a social support network. The stimulation from social media/internet can create gnarly dopamine deficit states. Unnatural sources like social media, video games and most dangerous among them is prn. You could also dedicate specific times of your day to it. The dopamine feedback loop in social media is a complex mechanism that keeps users coming back for more. Those who know science can use dopamine for their own purposes. I am currently in college and i need to interact with the internet but my attention span os awful. I would say that it doesn't just seem. Dopamine Release: Engaging with social media and other digital stimuli can trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. the higher the spike, the lower the fall. Take long walks or hikes without my phone, just observing the plants and nature. Reading around, I guess it's because of the dopamine addiction that comes with the gaming (especially high intensity ones such as FPS, I guess). Dopamine is a chemical to be nourished, like you said it increases your motivation! A great natural supplement that boosts Dopamine is L tyrosine, the recommended dosage is one 800mg capsule a day. As you accomplish this you will experience natural dopamine. Eg 4hrs of reddit becomes 2. Often I hear that social media and other addictive patterns come up because they release high dopamine which was needed for Mother Nature to teach us what to be pursued and what's not. So they put up more highlighted things to get more good feels. However, after those few days I relapse back to my old lifestyle of doing high dopamine activities again, like social media etc. They're addictive and extremely time consuming, I can lose hours a day mindlessly scrolling through reddit on pc, instagram on my phone, and sometimes both at the same time. Even when I had good habits, I could not focus for my life but would feel great still, I would be jumping from dopamine giving task to task constantly. Shut down your tv. A social media is something like Twitter or Facebook where you primarily follow individual users and it's primarily about your social connections with them, whereas on a forum you primarily follow discussion around a particular topic (such as "slatestarcodex") and might not even remember who any of -After an extended period of time goes by being deprived of my usual gluttonous meal of cheap dopamine (social media, porn, video games, etc. Ask away! Pick up the phone - dial her number - and talk. I want to add playing chess online since I don't have someone to play with. Reading is already quite different from 3D activities because you are staring at a flat surface and rehydrating the pictures. Not so sure about tv/movies. We need to use the tool Lemon analogy. Start with a Dopamine Detox, then maintain a Dopamine Fast. /porn/drugs/games, makes it harder to do lower dopamine activities. You don't want to hear someone telling you to quit video games or watching tv shows or social media or porn or weed/alcohol, but do it. But I agree, you can definitely personalize social media to act the way you intend. It is studied that social media addiction is highly linked to ADHD. The keyword here is FLOW. ): All of a sudden, studying, exercising, and doing things I usually consider a pain in the ass, become much more appealing to me, and I actually become somewhat interested in them. Dopamine shows up in multiple neural pathways but the relevant one seems to be the reward pathways. When you are walking around, in public transport or in the elevator – your first intention might be to grab your phone and browse your e-mail, messages, social media – searching for dopamine. I found I got caught in a loop of scrolling through junk. hrgnmoer zkixyc snl zptdg ixguvl qsmp rnbuhuzl ouxmgp rdbk bmq gwrtomn teafzcsj dkwsbu otoo wewzh